What does a cure look like?

The successful homeopathic treatment of disease is often heralded by the reappearance of old symptoms. In essence, the progression toward deeper disease is put into reverse; the outermost disease state is met by a remedy and is lifted, revealing layers that had been suppressed before. These old symptoms can then be treated homeopathically, or, in many cases, do not need treatment at all, they simply pass through in lessened form and disappear by themselves…

As it turns out, the old symptoms that return during a curative process tend to occur in a particular kind of pattern or sequence. Homepaths call this pattern the Law of Cure… The Law of Cure states that cure tends to proceed:
- From the center toward the circumference.
- From above, downward.
- From more vital to less vital organs.
- In reverse order of appearance

Thus, internal (and more important) organs tend to be healed first, with the skin usually coming last. Symptoms also tend to return and be healed starting from the head and torso and progressing outward toward the limbs. Finally, symptoms tend to heal in reverse order of their appearance…

Since homeopathy deals with the whole person, not just the physical body, the Law of Cure actually applies on a much deeper and more complete level… Even before remedies help to heal the physical body, they often address the innermost part of our being, our psyche, our mind, and our emotions. Thus, a common pattern of homeopathic cure begins with an increased sense of inner well-being. A classic example might be a lessening of anxiety, followed by a cure of asthma, followed by the return of eczema on the face. After this heals, the eczema might migrate out to the limbs, and then finally leave totally…

Homeopaths usually attribute the Law of Cure to Constantine Hering, MD… Hering was born in 1800 in Saxony, Germany… he first came to homeopathy as a debunker; he was asked by his professors to write a paper condemning Hahnemanns new system. In his attemt to honestly do so, he repeated Hahnemanns original experiment with cinchona and found it to be successful… Soon he began to study and utilize the homeoapthic system, and he quickly became an ardent supporter…

Unfortunately, knowledge of Herings Law of Cure, simple yet critical observations about the signs of true cure, has yet to reach todays allopaths… because symptoms are routinely suppressed rather than treated homeopathically, doctors never get to see what a real cure looks like, with the return of older and lesser symptoms. They do not even know that such cures are possible.

Excerpted from the book: IMPOSSIBLE CURE: The promise of Homeopathy by Amy L. Lansky